We all have our mains we love and don't like swapping from to do stuff at times don't we? So it would only make sense to post almost everything from that toon so you can maintain the markets your mainly interested in right? Well I think thats wrong for a few reasons and am going to discuss why in this post along with some ideas on logical groupings of profession products to post from any given alt/main.
Now the main reason I don't like posting everything from my main is due to it clogging up my mail box when I cancel en mass or get a huge amount of sales. Another reason is my main is the toon I get everyone that supplies me with mats to CoD to. I've pissed off more than 1 supplier because of the 400+ mails I had in the mail box and totally missed their CoD for almost 2 days. This is reason alone to maintain your mail box, and possibly spread your auctions around.
Here is how I've got it sorted out currently. As always YMMV depending on what professions you have access to and the levels of your posters when it comes to crafting stuff that needed TW level 84 purchases like BS/LW/Tailoring.
On my main I post my enchanting and JC items. This is due to her being a JC/Ench and it's just easier that way. In her bank I have 2-5 stacks of each raw rare gem and around 2-3 stacks of uncut meta gems for rapid resupply. In an enchanting bag she also has about 200-300 hypnotic dust, 40-60 greater celestials, a few hundred infinite dust, 40 greater cosmics and an assortment of BC and old world enchanting mats for other enchants.
Alt 1:
On this alt I post all my Blacksmithing, engineering and mining goods. The PvP sets sell reasonably well as do the engineering pets. Also I'm generally swimming in elementium ore and vol earths so post about 10 Hardened Elementium Bars a day, they net me about 150% profit each and it saves me on bank/gbank space which currently is at a premium.
Alt 2:
Here is where I post Tailoring items and my Glyphs. He is a Scribe/Tailor though I've stopped posting as much as I used to due to soemone working their hardest to crash the glyph marked. Give it a week and it should be back to normal and it's only a side market I play in so it's not really bothering me. This alt will soon be GM of my second bank guild to store herbs/inks and assorted other items that are not related to Ores/Gems which my first is so packed with.
Alt 3:
This is where I post my Alch items like potions, deepstone oils, occasional flasks when profitable and any other assorted alch related items. I currently have 3 xmute masters though due to a massive influx of herbs for cheap, I'm debating swapping one to a potion master and another to a flask master. I could also level a 4th alch amongst the toons I have so I still have 2 xmute masters for truegold...when I remember to use that CD.
Now if I had LW i would post from this alt and process from there but due to not having a LW I don't bother. I am stocking up on ites to level it but it's just too much of a pain currently
Doing it all this way also makes looking at the My Sales addon and seeing which profs are most profitable and need more attention and which are not much easier. Also as I said, it keeps your suppliers happy due to them getting their gold faster and you get their mats faster to process and turn into a profit.
My next post will more than likely be on suppliers and how to get them. Also it will go into the often unmentioned art of BEING a supplier and the traps and pitfalls to watch out for, which cuts both ways as it happens.
Till then good luck on the AH and may you always make gold.
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